Combine promo

We have 3 level of promo:
1) Promo already included in the price. These are Clearance and Autoprice. In case multiple promo is applicable for same product – only 1 of them can be applied: Clearance or highest autoprice discount. And Clearance is higher priority in this case.
2) Additional discount that is applied for each specific product: $discount for each product or %discount
3) Additional $discount that is applied once for entire order.
And according to these levels there are options how promo can be combined (“Combine with other promo” radioboxes):
(1) For Clearance/Autoprice promo we allow following options:
0 - Clearance/Autoprice: do not combine at all
10 - Clearance/Autoprice: allow to combine with Order Level $ discount only (Allow 100)
20 - Clearance/Autoprice: allow to combine with product level $/% discount (Allow 50+)

Here we define if OTHER promo can be applied for products where CURRENT is already applied
(2) For promo that provide additional discount on PRODUCT level
50 - Product-level discount: additional discount for all 20+: to be MERGED with them (20) and other like it(50) (Max of other discount)
55 - Product-level discount: additional discount for all 20+: to be ADDED

Here we define HOW CURRENT promo is combined with clearance/autoprice or other same level promo.
(3) For promo that provide additional discount on ORDER level
100 - Order-level $ discount: additional discount for all except 0: to be MERGED with them (10,20,50,55) and other like it(100) (Max of other same level)
105 - Order-level $ discount: additional discount for all except 0: to be ADDED

Here we define HOW CURRENT promo is combined with clearance/autoprice/product discount or other SAME level promo.

To explain a difference between 50 and 55 (100 and 105) let’s look at following example. We place order for 1 Product and it is applicable for following promo
#1) $10 clearance promo that allows to combine with ALL other promo (combine option: 20)
#2) $8 product level auto-promo (combine option: 50)
#3) $12 product level auto-promo (combine option: 50)
#4) $10 product level auto-promo (combine option: 55)
#5) $25 order level auto-promo (combine option: 100)
#6) $20 order level auto-promo (combine option: 105)

How we calculate final discount in this case:
#1 - $10 - it is applied automatically/initially.
#2 - $8 – option 50 means that we merge it with other “lower level” promo. So we compare it with previously applied promo ($10 clearance) – and we see that current discount is lower so $0 is applied here
#3 - $12 – we compare again with previously applied promo ($10 clearance) – so here we apply additional $2 (totally we have already $12)
#4 - $10 – we do not compare anything, just automatically grant additional $10 discount (totally we have already $22)
#5 - $25 – option 100 means that we compare with previously applied promo ($22) – so here we apply additional $3 (totally we have already $25)
#6 - $20 – we do not compare anything, just automatically grant additional $20 discount (totally we have already $45)

In case of options 10 or 20 for clearance promo – we just cross-out promo on next levels, but all other rules would be same.
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